Monday, January 17, 2011

Truly Alone

This post is by x2650 from reddit:

At my Grandfather's funeral, I had a conversation with his best friend Jack. Jack is a widow, had no children, and is very old in his 90's. Jack started crying, which in itself is a very hard thing to see. He was not crying for the loss of his best friend, though. He was crying, because he had nobody left. He was completely alone. No wife, no kids, brothers or sisters, and now, no friends. He was talking about how unfair it was that he had to continue living. Alone. He kept repeating "there's nobody left!" Of course I was bawling the whole time, but there was nothing I could say or do. Now my Dad, has sort of taken Jack on as his new Dad. He takes him out for Lunch on Sundays, or takes him on car rides in the country to see the seasons change. But it is sad to know, that he is sitting by himself in his home, lonely and waiting to die. He doesn't feel sad and alone, he is .

It is obvious that I have absolutely no say in this topic, as I have yet to live till old age. I'm not even sure if I'll live past 50 given the lifestyle that I am endearing myself to right now. Life is beautiful but I guess there are times when it goes on for too long and it just sucks.

Kinda reminds me of my grandma, sitting there watching TV everyday. I'm not even sure if she understands any of it. Whenever I'm back I'll try to converse with her, never knowing if anything I say makes sense to her. Still, she has my mom and dad accompanying her but it's just sad sometimes.. Or I'm just thinking too much. What a powerful post, and it's just one of the reasons I love reddit.

AAAAANYWAY, what better way can we lighten up the atmosphere here if it's not another song by Paul Gilbert about being old!? GODDAMNIT PAUL YOU HAVE A SONG FOR EVERY SITUATION. I LUV YA PG!

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