Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Me Ruining People's Song: Part 1

I don’t know what song is this but it’s by Jolin Tsai. Heard this song while I was in a karaoke session. Upbeat song and I think the feel is very great for guitarists like me to ruin. So here it is. This is the second take. Yeah it has mistakes but the first one had too much so I had to retake. Reason: Jolin I’m still considering you as the top Taiwanese chick I’d like to bang!

All that aside, let me briefly tell you what I’ve been up to these days (guitar wise, obviously. I lead a boring life). One good thing lately is that I’m getting inspired by all the wrong people into playing guitar. Yes, Paul Gilbert is still number one but guess who’s number two? IT’S JACKY CHEUNG!!!!! In my humble opinion, I think modern Taiwan-HK pop killed guitar solos completely. I know I know, and I’m aware that guitar solos are still around in these pop songs but they’re so scarce you’d have to squint your eyes so hard like you’re getting fucked up the ass… by a pair of scissors.

I’ve been listening back to my favourite Jacky Cheung songs from my childhood days and I noticed there are interesting solos in his songs back then. In relation to gapnap’s… don’t know which post, forgot already, I agree to the fact that shredding and solos might be back sometime in the near future. But considering the state of Taiwan-HK music, I don’t think the Chinese community will ever be able experience the beauty of the instrument. Well, fuck them lah I’m indifferent in a way cause this shit makes me way cooler than the average Chinese. Better if there’s less Chinese who shreds, fuck competition!

p.s. I think the background of the video is better this time around. No images of a skinny fuck playing guitar and stuff. A Coca Cola thingy (I don’t know what is that called) full of cigarettes is cooler.

Friday, June 19, 2009

You Know You're Busy When

1. You haven’t updated your blog in 3 weeks.

2. You haven’t been regularly checking out the sites you visit daily like:


3. You don’t play guitar more than half an hour a day.

4. You don’t listen to Paul Gilbert’s Silence Followed By a Deafening Roar for more than 3 times a day.

5. You’re stuck with the online sensation called Dragonica.

6. You haven’t had dinner with your housemates for more than 5 days.

7. You don’t bother asking your housemates, “Eh this weekend got what plan ah?”

All that aside, I still visit gapnap.com and paulgilbert.com religiously every damn day. And if any of you love Paul Gilbert enough you would’ve known that Paul just updated his site a few days ago telling people to buy more of shit and go to his newly added clinics. Well it’s not really significant when you think of it, but hey it’s fucking Paul Gilbert we’re talking about here.

People are afraid of changes, and I think I’ve overcame them in this case. Just a few months ago I was wondering if they’ll be anybody I’ll get along with in my new course. Fuck, this is kinda harsh but it is really easy to make friends when you have no old friends hanging out with you in the class. I remember when I was back in Computing, I’d stick like glue to this one old friend of mine from Sarawak. The daily schedule would be, class> sit together> talk together> go home> guitar> sleep. No spaces for others to chip in, no new friends to be made. Now that we’re separated, I realized that I’ve been going out more than I used to (it’s nice but the thing is I haven’t been going out with that old friend). Which explains point 1 and point 2.

Other than that, I’ve been working quite hard lately. Just found a new job a month ago. Oh boy, the pay isn’t bad so I’m not complaining. The satisfaction is overwhelming too, for I haven’t had a job for almost 1 year I think. One thing for sure, it’s taking up a lot of my own free time. Less time also means no time for friends. So this explains point 5 and point 6.

Obviously, less free time also translates to less guitar playing. For all you Gilbert haters, yes I still do get inspiration from him. But I’d just sit there and play for a maximum of 20 minutes or so. I guess I’m stuck now. It’s like when you know how to sweep pick, you know a lick or two, but getting there is just so hard. Kind of sad and it makes you wanna stick to your old shit. But then, improvements don’t come by itself, no? No doubt, this explains point 3.

Lastly, whatever free time I got I spend them on this new online game my friend introduced called Dragonica. It isn’t exactly THAT fun but fuck, when you’ve got nothing to do everything seems to be fun. Besides, you get to shoot crabs! Nothing much to say here, but this explains point 4 and 5. Oh yeah, partly cause I’m hooked to Greg Howe’s Ascend and rediscovering Guthrie Govan’s Erotic Cakes.

Now I know you all just come here to see sacred and rare Paul Gilbert videos that you are too lazy to look out for. Hell yeah, what’s a reversedkyanon post without a youtube video of Paul, right? Just when I thought I wasn’t inspired, this video made me noodle along the fretboard for an hour or so last night. It is VERY UNRELATED to inspiration but if you know me, you’ll know that I get orgasm just by hearing Paul speak. Here’s the video.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Boy Tells Lie, Girl Not Left Out

It is without any qualms when I say that everyone is a liar. Yes, the one you told your dad about you giving him RM1000 a month for him to “yum cha” counts. It may be a white lie, but fuck you know it is still a lie no matter how you put it. But if you’re serious about it, please look into the mirror and picture a dick on top of your head. Anyways, that’s not the point of this post. I believe boys lie, but less than their female counterparts. Here are some lies that I am GUESSING that everyone has said at least once in their lives.

1. Oh yeah… great… oh yes for sure I was listening, dear.
2. Oh the car bumper isn’t new, dad. I just washed it last night when I came back at 4am after drinking and driving.
3. I was (whatever shit that is not called masturbating) last night while talking to you.
4. You’re my first….
5. Nah, I’m not into any of your girl friends.
6. Oh wow that’s so interesting!
7. Yeah dad I’m going for tuition. Oh yeah if my shirt smells like cigarettes it’s only cause one of my friends smoke. Nope I’m NOT going to cybercafés
8. Mom I need the tuition fees for the ten o clock tuition (which I’ve never attended).
9. Wh-What? What is squirting? Gee I’ve never heard of that term..
10. I love you too.

What, you think I’m just gonna stop there? Think again, motherfuckers. Although 100% of my readers consists of males but I’d like to GUESS what lies girls tell too. As far as I’m concerned, girls tell about the same amount of lies as guys do, or maybe even more. But hell, when she looks at you with those puppy eyes you’ll think that the stars are somehow aligned tonight and she’s telling the fucking truth. Let me educate some of you bastards and shove this principle into your brain: Don’t Trust Anyone.

1. Sense of humor is the main quality I look for in a guy.
2. It’s so big.
3. You’re my first…
4. You’re my fourth *pauses* but this is my first time….
5. Oh he’s just a friend.. who coincidentally says he loves me as a friend, takes me out, buy me expensive shit.
6. I’m not that kind of girl.
7. Hey help me with this bit of assignment tonight? A.K.A. Just do all this shit for me, thanks.
8. Oh yeah I go to clubs to dance, helps me keep fit. But ignore the fact that I drink more than I dance.
9. Heavy metal? Uhh… umm…. I like it! *after two days* Hey is Coldplay heavy metal?
10. I only cheated because he was mean to me.

Anything you wanna add? Just to let you know, I'm glaring intently at my Music Master friends.