Sunday, May 19, 2013


53. 53 kgs, from 47kg back in April 2nd 2013. GOD BLESS THESE MUHFUCKING GAINZ.

All bunched up in my stomach and hips though, and a little bit of improvement on my back as I can no longer feel my bones (at least not that obvious) whenever I slouch over the computer masturbating to X-Art videos. I just hope that they'll go to my hands soon.

Lord Tyler
I come to you a hard gainer
And I humbly repent for my laziness
I believe that Tyler is Lord
I believe that you raised him from the dead
I will ask that Tyler will come to my life
And be my Lord and Savior
I receive Tyler to take control of my gainz
And that I may live for these gainz from this day forth
Thank you Lord Tyler for saving me with your precious gainz
In Tyler's name, Amen

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