Saturday, May 9, 2009

Quote of the Day

WARNING: This post is one of those "update just for the sake of updating" posts. I am gladly informing you that the close button is the 5x5mm button shaped like a cross on the top right corner of your browser. Please skip this post if you have something else better to do like masturbating or crying.. And also worshiping Paul Gilbert. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!


You know, those bloggers on the internet always have bullshit to say on their blogs. Stuff like:

*randomly copied quote or lyrics from a song they're infatuated with*


Yes, I know that I'm none the better by writing this post but hell yeah I'm the least worst among them. To prove my point I will gladly describe why think this "quote of the day" is an internet gold waiting to be unearthed. And maybe a little walkthrough for the video. Yes you are correct again, it's a fucking youtube video. If you know me well enough, you will know that I spend half of my time dicking around looking for inane shit to look at.

Upon inspecting the description of the video which can be found on the right hand side of your browser, you will see that it says "A man named Paul Gilbert playing guitar." This sentence/quote screams the word genius all over the fucking place because of its irony. Every guitarists know that Paul Gilbert isn't just any man. Every guitarists know that Paul Gilbert isn't actually playing the guitar, he's actually massacring every guitarists out there in this video. And fuck yeah, every guitarists know that Paul Gilbert is saying, "Yeah *nods* I'm better than you all underlings *nods*." through this video.

For you noobs out there, no.. Paul Gilbert does not have three hands even though he has godlike status. That hand is his bassist's hand acting as a "human capo". For more information on capos please visit your friendly internet-hood Wikipedia for more information. The rest of the video is pretty much self-explanatory: It's Mr. Gilbert demonstrating how he only needs three strings + an extra hand + a delay pedal to rain a firestorm upon the world.

p.s. Oh yeah you have to click on the video to actually see the description. Sorry.

p.p.s. Before any of you dumbfucks say anything stupid. Please take note that I KNOW most guitarists have seen this video at least 10 times. This video is for my non-guitar playing friends who blaspheme against Paul Gilbert. Thank you.


gapnap said...

oh , you're talking this blog ?

copy and paste lyrics type is it ?

Vincent said...

"not hot then go die la wtf"....thats the quote of yesterday from chun keat.

DeadEye said...

i've been to livewithlogic.blogspot sometimes lately. seen lots of nonsense post, like those lyrics copied start end thingy, and a video of the song. rather stupid rite? :p

mr. hey said...

gapnap: no lah i'm not talking about him, he did put in some descriptions what.... i still love you, sam

vincent: hahahah that one's not bad too.. ah fuck i should've used that quote since no one wants to see another paul gilbert tribute

deadeye: deadeye please don't hurt anymore people's feelings. you've already hurt mine that day.....