Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pain Don't Hurt

Please do not fuck me up when I say this is not an "update for the sake of updating" post. I read a...nother quote the other day and it inspired me in a non-carnal way. So yours truly decided to write a blues song of some sort.Don't you think "pain don't hurt" is just so damn manly to say? But I tried to go the other way and be as emo/faggy as I can. Personally, I like the irony of what I wrote. Try to guess what each verse means if you have the time (yeah I wrote what has been happening to me these days). Let me just sneakily insert another quote here: You can't play the blues till you've got the blues.

Took a left
When I reached the junction of success
No regrets
What I say when my life is a mess
Pain don’t hurt
Tough it out just like the rest

My best friend,
Be with me till your fire is put out
Rest assured
As addiction makes you eternal
Pain don’t hurt
Though it makes you nocturnal

My legs cut
Soon enough I won’t be seeing red
Close my eyes
Still they won’t bring freedom back to me
Pain don’t hurt
Just walk it out to be free

Do you have
The time for a poor boy
Don’t worry
Let’s just waste another day
Pain don’t hurt
It’ll show you another way

Pain don't hurt
Isn't life a game
Pain don't hurt
Cancer's just a wait
Pain don't hurt
That's what he said


Okay this is twenty minutes after I wrote the stuff above. Twenty minutes before I actually wanted to end the post there. But after much thought, I've decided to record myself playing and upload it to youtube(doing it as I type here). Did this in one take, so to the professionals... please be kind :)

p.s. Around 3:46 I tried to incorporate pauses into the fast lick but epicly failed. Sorry sorry! Not long after that is another repeated 4 note lick which I made mistakes on. And I'm terribly sorry if your ears hurt when the organ comes in. Turns out that I had my speakers on too loud. That's why you can't hear my string skip and sweep pick at the end. Which is kinda cool too now that I think of it cause it's not clean heheh. Finally, please lower the bass knob if you have one on your speaker. I've already put mine to -1 cause it's too loud. Oh yeah the video is tilted sideways I don't know how to adjust it.

p.p.s. There's a lick that's repeated in the video. It's a bent D, then an A, and C. It's supposed to be sung like the starting of the verse(which has three words). Halfway throughout the song I forgot all about it -_- Anyway, sorry if that 3 note thing is annoying. Have fun.


gapnap said...

where's the singing? need to post your playing + singing ma

mr. hey said...

gapnap: i don't wanna murder anymore people with my voice

angelus: i'm taking it as a compliment but mr. gapnap just told me a 5++ minute solo isn't really necessary. and i think so too -_- thanks for commenting anyways. i thought it sucked so nobody commented

gapnap said...

eh , you made it sound like i super hated it , which is not true . dun take it so seriously lah..

DeadEye said...

fuh yohh.. posted video wei
when wanna come music master? long time no see ur face ledi

custer said...

So cool I love your performance. You made me squirt.

angelus said...

dude, u made someone squirt....

mr. hey said...

gapnap: eh i take advices seriously okay. and what you said made sense also. no common people want to see a 5 minute long solo. i know you don't hate it la :)

deadeye: i'll go to music master once my assignments are sorted out. what.. long time no see handsome boy?

custer: whoa you read my blog wtf? anyway you sound sarcastic but i'll ignore it and take it as a compliment

angelus: fuck no, i didn't finger him in his sleep.. sorry to disappoint..

gapnap: fingerfuck his ass and make him ejaculate through the dickhole lo... is that possible?