Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Contributions to the Human Race

As a part of my contributions to the human race, I'd like to share with you these words of wisdom I've just read 1 minute ago. Actually wanted to post it in facebook but the fear of having relatives read this brought me to the conclusion to come right here to post it.

"If you masturbate with both hands, that's a threesome."

Rejoice my readers, for you have been enlightened once again, here!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Hmm so what's been up lately. I had to borrow money from a friend just to buy the Starcraft II CD. How sad is that? Apparently my bank account got disabled cause I didn't do any transaction with it for too long. I guess this is part of growing up, eh? Finding out that banks are out to fuck with your money any way they can, and justifying it by saying it's for freeing up slots in their database for other people. A make believe slot, dammit.

I was so stoked on playing 1v1s but I found out that I'm play worse than those noobs. Can't even get my basic build orders right, can't macro well enough. Guess I'll have to stick to team matches for now :(

It is a well known fact that I like to set objectives that I'm not gonna accomplish for my holidays. Let's see... before it all began I wanted to learn Paul's Bach Partita in Dm. Learn some ukelele songs and getting one ukelele myself. Learn some fingerpicking songs.. change my sleeping time. Eat well, stay healthy.. And I've accomplished none of that.

I did change my sleeping time but then it all fucks up when Starcraft came. As for the Bach song, I only learnt 25% of it, and it's the easy part -_- ukelele and fingerpicking was not practiced at all this holiday and there's only 2 weeks left till the next semester starts.

As usual, I'd like to justify my uninspired-ness with my rig at home. A 5 year old Squier Strat that some chinese dude con me to buy at Bentley, along with a Roland Cube 15. Fucking sucks la the tone. I tampered with the knobs here and there but the tone still sucks. It's so... dead. Kinda miss my friend's Marshall at KL which kinda belongs to me since he never plays it. Oh shit, he might be moving out soon. HOW AM I GONNA PLAY WHEN HE'S GONE?! So many things to buy, so little money. When can I get my Vox amp? When can I get my Paul Gilbert pedals? Coily cable? DiMarzio single coil pickup? White reversed Ibanez? New tone knobs for fucks sake?!?!! NEW STRINGS?! JESUS, I'VE BEEN USING THE SAME STRINGS FOR 2 fucking years?!

Anyway, I'm convinced that Guthrie Govan is the Jesus of guitar. Phrasing, note choice, technique.. whatever shit you want, he'll do it.