Friday, December 4, 2009

My Religion

Wah wah wah, hold your horses there, people. You guys are talking as if I don't show love to Paul no more. I still love Paul, it's just that I've finally gotten bored of Paul's music after listening to them religiously for the past one and a half year. I do still listen to them sometimes, but the numbers have decreased drastically.

I see guitar playing as a steep mountain to climb. And licks are those ledges that you can hold on to before you ascend another few meters further in this never-ending climb to the top. I've never really sat there and study guitar. My way of learning is just copying licks and expand from there. Sure, if you don't study there's a limit just waiting for you to reach. And I've reached that limit.

What am I trying to convey, is that I've reached my ledge and the next ledge is a little bit too high for me to reach. Given all these problems/distractions that I'm facing now, I've not the strength to pull myself up for this next ledge.

Other than that, I've not been improving for the past one or two months. My alternate picks are still at the same speed and level of cleanliness after months of constant use. I only have myself to blame, though. I don't practice at all, I play just for fun. I play when I'm inspired. I play when I feel like imitating Paul.

The other truth in this sudden disinterest is that my playing has taken its toll. After I've gone pop, I suddenly can't alternate pick to save my face anymore. Isn't that rather discouraging? To know that the skills that you've been honing is on the edge of depletion.

The last and most influential cause is that I'm rather interested in pop songs nowadays. I might get a lot of flak for this, but I'm listening to a lot of Jay Chou. Take a while off listening to his mumbling vocals and listen to his compositions. If you carefully dissect all his songs, there are a lot of interesting things that will make you go "WOW". He's definitely musically gifted and people just don't see that cause they're too busy flaming him for making music that sells.

Ultimately, I still love Paul. He is still my religion. But I'm taking a rest because nothing really inspires me in the world of shred nowadays.

edit: HAHAH I think I came off as a pro-guitarist in the industry who's going to retire after playing for 40+ years or whatever the fuck in this post. So, to those of you who've never heard me play, I SUCK! It's just that people are saying that I don't love Paul anymore and I still do!


gapnap said...

Last time , before you can solo ...soloing was a tall mountain that you thought you can never reach ..

After you climb that one , you will find another ..finish it , you will find another..

Think about it , last time something you thought you can never pull it off (solo and shred) , today you can do it without any effort .

That is the beauty of playing guitar . No matter how good you are , there will always be a new mountain . People are pushing it to the limit everyday . And when you look back , you realized , wow i was this and that , and within a year i grow so much ..

Enjoy the journey of learning :) and never give up

mr. hey said...

gapnap: great insight, thanks heheh